We were blessed to welcome our sweet "Kate Estelle" into the world on September 2, 2009 at 4:53 am. She weighed 6 pounds 13.8 ounces and was 20 inches long. When she was born she came out and wasn't crying. I thought something might be wrong, but she was just pretty mellow. Thus far, she still seems pretty easy going. I forgot how much love you have for a newborn baby and how sweet they really are. It is like falling in love, only with a lot less sleep. :) I took one look at her and said, wow, she looks like her Dad. She has his head shape and a ton of dark brown hair and a definite Mollotte nose and chin, but as time goes on, she may have inherited some Jenks traits -- maybe my big lips and blue eyes. The best part is that her big sister can't get enough of her. Sometimes it's enough to make me crazy, but it is endearing. Launa is her ultimate protector and doesn't like any other kids holding her baby sister. When the baby cries, Launa comes and gets me immediately yelling "Baby Kate crying... hurry Mommy, rapido!" My favorite is that when they go for car rides Launa wants to hold her hand and when Kate cries, Launa tries to talk sweet to her and tells her "Oh Katie-Cat, it's okay sweetheart." I need to get it on video because it does warm my heart. Mark is also quite smitten with our latest addition. He even asks to hold her when he comes home. As far as adjusting goes, the first two weeks were fantastic. Launa's allergies have flared, the adrenaline is gone, and now I wake up in the middle of the night loopty and not remembering where the baby is (when she's in her crib). Thank goodness my mother is just down the road and my sister-in-law is nearby because that has made coping about a million times better.
My sister-in-law, Jen, who just moved here took pictures of Kate & Launa that I think turned out fantastic. She does photography as a hobby/little side business so if anyone's interested she does excellent picture taking & editing!! Seriously, how many pictures have you seen of Launa smiling with her teeth?! Anyway, so these are Baby Kate's first pictures & Launa's 2 1/2 year old pictures. Enjoy!
COngratulations you guys! SHe is BEAUTIFUL!! Love the hat on her...so precious. Did you make it?! I wanna learn how to make those, of course as soon as I learn I probably won't have any more girls ;) haha!
What can we say??? Beautiful-Beautiful-Beautiful-Beautiful & Beautiful.
We love you all!
Congrats Ashley! It was so great to see you this summer. Kate is sure darling, those pictures are so precious! I love it. oh what fun to have a newborn :)
You're right she does look totally different than Launa, of course she doesn't lack the cuteness: Jen did great on those pics, they are so precious!
Congratulations! I have been WAITING for pictures!! We are so happy for you guys and I love to hear that Launa is such a good big sister, I am hoping Kins will act the same :)
Gorgeous pictures, Jon says your girls are really cute and that Mark is going to be in trouble when they're older.
I too have been excited to hear how everything went. Congrats! Your sweet family is so beautiful. I love it.
Congrats Ashley!! She is adorable!! I'm so glad Launa loves her too...it is kind of a scary transition from one to two (at least for me anyway!). Glad everyone is doing well!
You guys make such beautiful babies!! Better have at least a bakers dozen right? That picture of you holding her... you look like a model. I can't believe you just had a baby! You look great. I will have to stop by sometime. I'm in a baby mood and would love to get a chance to hold that sweet girl of yours..... if it's okay with Launa that is. Take care!
Congrats! She is so precious! How fun. The pictures are so good. Jen did a great job. I wish I was there to hold and kiss, so I guess you will have to do it for us. We miss you guys and are so excited for this addition to your family! Love ya!
Finally--some pictures. She is so sweet, and Launa looks pretty sweet herself. I'm coveting your jaw line.
Congratulations! She is beautiful. I love the pictures.
Congratulations Ashley! I have looked at these pictures before but didn't have time to leave a comment and tell you how precious these pictures are. You look stunning! Steph and I have talked about it twice, so you've got to know that we mean it! :) Your girls really are beautiful!
Ashley she is beautiful!! I can't believe all that dark hair! Kevin told me about it but I didn't really believe it after seeing Launa as a baby. She is adorable! So, tell me, were you worried about her peeing on you in the picture of you holding her without anything on? Just wondering. Those pictures are great - Jen does such an awesome job!
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