While reading back through my blog, I realize most of Launa's stories are about her shenanigans so I thought I'd share some of her sweet and funny moments (and this is basically her scrapbook and I want to be able to include some nice things)...
She is learning to talk so much and says and does the funniest things. Below is a small list:
-At Walmart she told the greeter to "Have a good day".
-After Mark put her to bed she pointed to him and told me "Daddy mean".
-She loves Dora and when it ends she finds me and asks "What happened to Dora?"
-Her favorite breakfast is hot cocoa and toast and every morning she sings and dances to her "cocoa toast" song.
-Last night, she was getting ready for bed and was making beds for her toys and saying, "Jack bed, baby bed..." and then she pulled another pillow over and told me "Mommy bed" and smiled at me (I couldn't resist, I climbed in bed and snuggled her).
-At night, she has to find everyone in the house to get a good night kiss and tell them "night, night".
-She protects all the other little Mollotte grandkids from Duke, the giant chocolate lab. She swings and tells him "No, Duke! Stay Back!"
-In the morning if I don't get up, she opens the doors and yells "Here Kitty, Kitty" and lets the cats in the camper. I get up in a hurry. :)
-When she's feeling sweet she gives me a big hug, plays with my hair, and tells me over and over again, "Hi, Mommy."
-She is really daring and begs me to take her for rides on the 4-wheeler. While we're driving she yells "Wow! Wow!"
-The other day she was trying to tell me what she wanted and I couldn't understand, so put her hands over her eyes and looked at me like, come on!
-When the cows moo she says "Cow say moo. Cow hungy".
-She is really attached to her silky and has to know where it is at all times. She'll ask me "where sicky", "I want my sickies".