Friday, June 10, 2011

Who Am I?

With all this house building and decorating, I barely recognize myself. Don't get me wrong, my personality is the same, it's my interests that have taken a drastic turn. In my past life (premarriage, prechildren) I would not have classified myself as "domestic" (alright, I think I had a boy sew most of my home ec projects). Cooking, sewing, cleaning, learning how to french braid hair, etc... none of those were really my strong points. I spent most of my childhood running around outside or hiding under the tunnel with a book so I could avoid all of the above. Now I find myself sewing curtains (with minimal swearing -- this is a HUGE development, Mark used to hide when I got out the sewing machine), repainting tables and dressers (because evidently I have some serious ADD), rearranging furniture, moving pictures on the wall around, checking out the garden section for plants, being livid at people making messes -- it's like overnight I turned into my mother! Just kidding. She's a saint and would never swear while sewing...


Andersen said...

I love it! I was right, ALL mormon women can sew, cook, decorate, and sing (I know you can sing). I am a convert so I did not acquire those qualities! :) Hey on a side not, Jana and I want to come and visit you and Jande! Just give me a call or text...... that is if you want us to come that is. 521-1362

tonyandalli said...

I know what you mean! I think it's finally having a house where YOU CALL DA SHOTS! I have been itching to move stuff around. And to paint furniture. Since I cannot: I hide and read. Hee hee.

vvjenks said...

I only swear under my breath!! I really try not to swear - but I do love a good project!

I am trying to be more like you!

allyson said...

This talk is all fine and dandy but where are the pictures of all these projects?? I guess I'll just have to be patient and drive 16 hours to see them.