These are the most recent pictures of Launa and Kate. They were from this last summer. Thank you, Jen!! Her patience and talent amazes me. Some people naturally can smile, but when I try to get Launa to smile, it always seems a little forced. We're working on it. :)
For an update, I have madly been painting and repainting furniture and hanging pictures and sewing pillows, but, I think I'm almost done. It will be just in time to start the outdoor projects.
Katie Bug is cute (and wild) as ever. I have found her on top of my kitchen countertops, trying to climb on the back of the chairs, etc. While most kids are afraid of the vaccuum, Kate tries to ride on it while I'm vaccuuming. It's maddening but so funny. She is also learning how to talk up a storm. She asks me every morning (after demanding her baba), "where's Nauna?" "Where's Da". She always wants to know where everyone is. When Launa isn't around, she is bored and asks me over and over again where she is at. Kate also LOVES her grandparents and aunts and uncles. When we go to restaurants, she likes to "work the crowd". At Denny's she walked up and down the rows waving to everyone and saying "Bye". At the doctors office she even blew the nurse a kiss. She is so busy but brings me so much joy.
Launa is sweet (and sour, depending on the minute) and likes to help with her baby sister. She says the funniest things that amaze me. We were looking for wild cats that had got in my Mom's house (also an interesting story) and while I was opening up closets and cabinets she said to me, "um... mom, they're cats. They can't open doors". She also loves to do crafts, crafts, and more crafts. She has stolen every paint brush I own, and is always making me little "notes". She told her sunday school teacher that I am always bossing her and she doesn't like it.
Mark is gearing up for the spring and can hardly wait. He sneaks out every Saturday and I can typically find him on some tractor or doing something with dirt. He can't help himself. He is also avoiding the long list of "honey-dos" that are awaiting him at home. I've decided it may be worth it to hoard up money here and there and find a good handy man.